One of the most consistent findings of research on PLCs is the vital role played by the principal in implementing the PLC process at the school site.
Principals are widely seen as indispensable to innovation. No reform effort, however worthy, survives a principal’s indifference or opposition. When they are asked to lead projects they do not fully grasp or endorse, they are likely to be ambivalent. Central office personnel must remember the importance of allowing time for principals to thrash out their questions as they relate to changes.
Given the vital importance of the principal ship to the effective implementation of the PLC process, it only makes sense that principals are given the time and opportunity to collaborate with colleagues. Granite School District Principals have been organized into administrative PLCs with colleagues on the same level (elementary, junior high, or high school).
- PLCs meet once a month after MTSS meeting.
- Each PLC has eight or more members. There are eight Elementary PLCs, two Junior High PLCs and one High School PLC.
- PLC members have assigned leadership roles in their PLC (facilitator, recorder, time keeper, etc.).
- Each PLC Facilitator has been trained by the Utah Education Policy Center (University of Utah) and the Granite School district Administrator Onboarding Department. Research and discussion guides are provided on topics of interest identified by PLCs.
- Online reports of meetings and agendas are sent to the Administrator Onboarding Department and the Utah Education Policy Center so that resources and assistance can be prepared.
- PLCs have the autonomy to determine their own goals, agendas and business.
- PLC members collaborate together to support positive culture change at individual school sites and develop school improvement strategies/action plans designed to increase student learning. The overall goal is to increase the capacity of principals to lead the PLC process at their individual schools.
To see a listing of the 2014-2015 school year meeting assignments, please view the following PDF: Practicing Principals’ Academy Meetings Chart (PDF)