Ms. Alisha Kerby is a fourth grade teacher at Truman Elementary in West Valley City. I had the opportunity to visit her class and watch the innovative things she is doing in her classroom. Ms. Kerby’s students use Chromebooks in their classroom. While I was visiting her classroom the students were studying fractions.
Her students were actively engaged in the learning process. The students reviewed fraction concepts using Kahoot, and then created their own fractions using Google Drawings. Students created fractions using the drawing tools and then rotated from computer to computer at their tables and came up with equivalent fractions for each fraction drawing.
The students in Ms. Kerby’s class were also working on creating presentations using Google Slides, sharing what they had learned about rocks, habitats, and new year celebrations in other countries. She has created a classroom environment where the students love learning.
Spotlight Creator: Heidi Meenen, Granite District Educational Technology Specialist