Miss Christina Van Dam is a sixth grade teacher at Roosevelt Elementary. I had the opportunity to visit her class and watch the innovative things she is doing in her classroom. Miss Van Dam’s students use Chromebooks in their classroom. While I was visiting her classroom the students were learning about moon phases by completing a webquest.
The students were actively engaged in the learning process. Using a digital tool such as a webquest allows the students to interact with video, text, and graphics, making the learning experience come alive. Students could also work at their own pace, allowing them to revisit concepts that they might not understand. One of the students made the comment that Miss Van Dam’s lessons allow for exploring and learning at the same time.
Miss Van Dam also takes advantage of using her classroom website, Room 42, as a valuable resource for her students. Each student knew right where to navigate and how to access the resources needed for the lesson. She has created a classroom environment where technology is the norm just like using paper and pencil. Her students are engaged in the learning process, they are so well behaved, and it makes the classroom environment is so inviting.
Spotlight Author: Heidi Meenen, Granite District Educational Technology Specialist