Feedback for the Van Winkle / 700 East Corridor Elementary Closure Study 1. Name(Required) First Last 2. Email(Required) 3. Phone4. What is your affiliation with Granite School District?(Required) I am a parent / patron with students attending one of the schools within the boundary study. I live within the boundaries of one of the affected schools, but do not have children attending at this time. I am an employee of Granite School District. I am a student attending one of the schools within the boundary study. I choose not to answer. 5. Which high school network do you belong to?(Required) Cottonwood Olympus Skyline Other I choose not to answer Which other high school network do you belong to?(Required) 6. School(s) Your Children Attend or Your Work Location(Required) 7. Which of these three options do you prefer?(Required) Option 3-A: Close Twin Peaks, Spring Lane, and Moss Option 3-B: Close Twin Peaks, Spring Lane, and Lincoln Option 3-C: Close Twin Peaks, Spring Lane, and Millcreek 8. Please use this space to add any specific comments you may have, or information that you would like to share with the population analysis committee for evaluation.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.