The Granite School District Homebound/Hospital Program provides temporary home or in-hospital instruction to Granite School District students who are unable to attend school for an extended period of time (minimum three weeks) due to illness or injury.
Instructions to Parents/Guardians
If your child is ill or injured and you believe he/she is not able to attend school for an extended period of time (3+ weeks), please take the following steps:
- Meet with a school representative (counselor, social worker, psychologist, or administrator) at your child’s school to inform them about your child’s situation.
- The school representative will review the information you have provided with the school’s Student Support Team (administrators, counselors, social worker, psychologist, school nurse, teacher representatives).
- The Student Support Team will discuss possible supports, interventions, and/or accommodations to help your child continue his/her education during the period of illness or injury.
- A school representative will contact you with the Team’s plan of action to help your child.
- If the plan of action is to refer to Homebound/Hospital, the school will provide you with the needed paperwork.
- Once the paperwork is completed and returned to the school, they will forward it to the Homebound/Hospital Office and a teacher will be assigned to contact you and arrange for a time and place for instruction.
- Homebound/Hospital teachers are allowed up to a maximum of two hours per week to instruct your child. They will assign work for your child to do during the week between visits.
- For students requiring a long-term Homebound/Hospital placement (more than nine weeks), a renewed Physician’s Recommendation Form will be required at least every nine weeks.
Instructions to School Personnel
Please note: A note from a health-care professional recommending home/hospital is not a guarantee of that service. Your SST may decide that other interventions/accommodations may be more appropriate for the student. In that case, it is the responsibility of the SST to reach consensus with the health-care professional and the parent.
All Home/Hospital referrals must originate from the student’s school. When you become aware that a student might be in need of a Home/Hospital placement, please take the following steps:
- Meet with the parent/guardian to review and sign the Student Support Form (pink sheet),
- Review the “pink sheet” with your SST (Student Services Team) to get a team decision on what is the appropriate intervention/accommodation for the student.
- If the SST decides that Home/Hospital is the appropriate placement for the student, complete the SST Home Hospital Recommendation Form and have it signed by SST stakeholders.
- Assign an SST member to contact the parent/guardian to inform them of the SST decision.
- Give the parent a Home/Hospital Physician’s Recommendation Form to be completed by the health-care professional and returned to you.
- Have the parent/guardian sign the Parent Release of Information Form.
- Send these completed forms to the Home/Hospital Office*:
- A copy of the SST Home/Hospital Recommendation Form.
- A copy of the Home/Hospital Physician’s Recommendation Form.
- A copy of the Parent Release of Information.
Use this link to access the forms.
Please Note: All Home/Hospital referrals for students with I.E.P.s must be reviewed and approved by a district special education coordinator before submitting the referral to Home/Hospital.