I had a teacher out at Whittier Elementary submit the following question:
“I really like your snapshot idea. My question is why are teachers denied access when we try to go on your facebook?
I like how involved you are and how you are trying to keep us informed about what is going on in the district.”
It is a great question. Our district social networking committee continues to study social networking opportunities to see what they provide in terms of enhanced learning. Earlier this year, they recommended to the superintendency that we open up youtube because of the potential value to the learning experience. Our district social networking policy states that teachers and other district employees are not to be “friends” with students on any social networking sites. However, it does allow social networking sites to be authorized for classroom use if a teacher submits a proposal to their supervisor that offers up educational value for their students.
Regardless, we are reviewing opportunities to open facebook up to our schools. We anticipate a potential pilot for school administrators to have access to facebook starting next year. This would provide them a tool to investigate bullying and other violations of safe school policy.
Our district utilizes facebook as an public outreach tool to engage the community. There may be additional value for schools in that capacity. We continue to look at those options.