Question – Although having all SEPs in the same week may seem like a good idea in theory, for those of us who work for the district AND have children in high school and junior high, it was not so great. Because I had to attend my high schooler’s SEP on Monday and my junior high-schooler’s conference on Tuesday, I was not only tired when it came time to visit with my speech students and their parents, I was also not as prepared as I would like. Last year was much better when the conferences were divided between two weeks.
Response – The decision to move these SEPs to the same week was not made lightly and came with extensive input from both the GEA and parents. Teachers by-in-large, wanted their compensatory days in the same week. Parents wanted those days aligned so as not to have 4-days annually where secondary students did not attend when elementary did and vice-versa. The committee and school board attempted to resolve this with a compromise. It is recognized that this is a significant challenge for some teachers who also have students in the district. As we would hope that all teachers would accommodate parents who are unable to attend the scheduled SEPs, we would also hope that they would fellow teachers who are also parents, who may have conflicting responsibilities.