I guess this is an appropriate avenue for posing my question…As a male elementary teacher, I am definitely in the minority. Because traditionally men have been the bread-winners of the family, many men don’t consider a career in teaching because unless you absolutely love teaching and love kids, it’s perhaps not quite worth the less-than-adequate pay. That’s not to say you can’t make it work—my wife and I do, but it means that she has to work as well.
Now to the thorn in my side…My children all qualify for free and reduced lunch. They qualify because of how little money I make as a teacher. On the other hand, I, as a teacher, do not qualify for the same benefits. Rather, I have to pay nearly twice as much for the same lunch as the students receive. There is something off about this…Because I am a teacher, my children qualify for free and reduced school lunch. Yet because I am a teacher, I have to pay nearly double the amount for school lunch.
There is no career I would rather do than teaching. I love teaching. If there is no good solution to this quandary, then I’ll live with it for the remainder of my career. I’m not married to the school lunch menu, but I do find it odd that such a situation exists. Thank you in advance for your time and your consideration.
You make a great point. As you may know, the foods program is a federal program, subject to lots of regulation that is beyond our control. Let me look in to what control we do have for setting adult lunch prices. Thanks for your great attitude and for the service you give our kids!